Order of the Arrow Resources


National Order of the Arrow Conference 2000

Staging the Vigil

The following documents were developed for the "Staging the Vigil" training session at the National Order of the Arrow Conference in 2000. These sessions are intended to teach Arrowmen about the Vigil Honor Induction and to enhance the Vigil Honor experience of the Vigil Honor Candidate. All questions, comments, or requests should be sent to the Lead Cell Trainer for the session, Bill Chin, by email at bill @ eaglewbc.com

These documents are safeguarded and intended strictly for Vigil Honor members of the Order of the Arrow. The password for each document is the Vigil Honor watchwords in all lowercase letters with no spaces. The online version of these documents are available in "Portable Document Format" (PDF). For more information on viewing these files, click here.

Staging the Vigil

Syllabus (PDF file - 33Kb) stagingthevigil.pdf
Selection Guide (PDF file - 73Kb) vigilhonor.pdf
Guide Questions (PDF file - 83Kb) guidequestions.pdf
Voices (PDF file - 72Kb) voices.pdf
Meditation on the Vigil (PDF file - 63Kb) mov.pdf

Send me an e-mail at: bill @ eaglewbc.com